Paleo-Friendly Meals: Green Smoothie

Juicing and smoothies are the way I prefer to start my mornings because they are crisp, refreshing, and a perfect wake-me-up! However, breakfast for dinner works too – and I am not opposed to ending my day with one! Here’s a vitamin packed concoction that’s not too sweet but extremely satisfying.
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Paleo-Friendly Meals: Veggie Detox Soup

Summer is coming to an end and in a strike of irony, I feel the need to start cutting back my cheating in anticipation of autumn’s approach. While most people are going crazy to maintain their summer beach bodies and eating less, my summer is defined by cheat days down at the boardwalk indulging in all that is fried and covered in cheese.
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Paleo-Friendly Meals: Easy Grilled Vegetables

Ah, grilling. How I love thee. You are so quick and easy. You are my new love. With my recent dabbling in the exciting world of shish-kabobing (see here and here), grilling veggies seemed like a logical progression. Bobby Flay would be proud!

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