Thursday’s Thought of the Day

My job is utter insanity right now. I’ve mentioned before that back to school time makes me the equivalent of an elf on Christmas Eve. So being extremely overwhelmed has left me feeling a little bit loopy. For me, loopy = inquisitive. Why? Not so sure, but I keep coming back to one question:

If work is overwhelming me and my resulting social life is underwhelming me – can I just be whelmed?

overwhelm (more…)

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day! What a wonderful day to honor the men in your life that helped to raise you and shape who you are, for better or worse.

That's a good looking father-daughter duo! :)

That’s a good-looking father-daughter duo! πŸ™‚


Why I Might be a Middle-Aged Woman/Senior Citizen Stuck in a 20-Something’s Body

Happy Friday to everyone! As the work week winds down, I’ve been doing some introspection and found that I might be a middle-aged woman/senior citizen stuck in a 20-something’s body.


Unrelated picture of me in Maui. πŸ˜‰
