Paleo-Friendly Meals: Pork Meatballs

Happy Monday and more importantly happy Labor Day! To those of you who have to work, I’m sorry. I had those jobs before and frankly, it sucks. Even though I am just hanging around the house today, I am keeping busy by flexing my domestic goddess muscles and prepping lunches for the rest of the week. I usually scour the interwebs to find my next Paleo lunch idea and the following image always inspires awe.
lunchbox-3_0916 (more…)

Paleo-Friendly Meals: Easy Grilled Shrimp

It has been so brutally hot lately, cooking has been almost out of the question. The sensation of walking into a perfectly air-conditioned house from the stiflingly thick summer air is one of the best feelings in the world. What can ruin that wondrousness? A hot kitchen eating up all of my cool air.

This may be true, but I'd prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.

This may be true, but I’d prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.
