Monday (Afternoon) Affirmations

Good afternoon, lovelies! Yes, yes, I haven’t been posting much lately, but I have a good excuse! I was vacationing in the loveliest place on earth – Disney World! And to welcome me back to the cold chill of New Jersey is a respiratory infection. JOY. So to pick my self back up as I medicate, here are your Monday AFTERNOON affirmations! Have a lovely evening and Aloooha!

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Positivity, Happiness, and Aloha!

I firmly believe positive things happen to positive people. However, maintaining a positive mindset is not always easy. To supplement my mental positivity, I try to do good deeds, be kind to others, and express gratitude. Doing all of this will make you happy – don’t believe me? Watch this:


The Meaning of Aloha

I’ve had a really fantastic day so far and I wanted to spread some of my positive energy out there to anyone who could use a little aloha.


