A Love Letter to Disney World

Dearest Disney World,

You are my one true love and life without you would be so bland and boring. It has been many years since I’ve spent time with everything that you offer and I can’t help but feel my neglect has caused us to drift apart. I take full responsibility for my actions and assure you that I still love Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios as much as the day we first met. But let’s be honest, she’ll always be MGM Studios to me. Tis true, I seem to favor Magic Kingdom and Epcot, but I know deep in my soul that without the others, you wouldn’t be the complete world I adore.

I’m delighted to tell you that our separation won’t continue forever; I am coming to visit you this October! I have looked forward to this reunion for years and finally the time has arrived! I promise this visit will be complete! Not only will I visit the princesses at Magic Kingdom and walk around the world in Epcot’s countries, but I will become part of the movies at, ahem, MGM Studios and walk with the animals at Animal Kingdom! I cannot contain my excitement!

You have been on my mind daily and this only exacerbates my longing for you:


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Easy Grilled Shrimp

It has been so brutally hot lately, cooking has been almost out of the question. The sensation of walking into a perfectly air-conditioned house from the stiflingly thick summer air is one of the best feelings in the world. What can ruin that wondrousness? A hot kitchen eating up all of my cool air.

This may be true, but I'd prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.

This may be true, but I’d prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.


DIY: Growing Cilantro

I truly believe the best way to learn is though trial and error. As you saw in my last post, my attempt at container gardening hasn’t gone horribly wrong (yet). But the one thing that taught me the most is growing cilantro!

Interestingly, cilantro is a fussy maiden. To keep these thick yummy leaves growing takes some work and finesse. When I first brought home my seedling, it looked like this:



DIY: Gardening

Here in New Jersey, the summer is certainly upon us! The forecast holds a long heat wave for the Jersey Shore and it’s times like this that makes me grateful for electricity and air conditioning!


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Juicing!

Aloha! It’s been a while since my last post, and for that I apologize! I can explain though… I’ve been absolutely EXHAUSTED! Between working, getting up early and going to bed early, and squeezing every available moment out of my weekends to feel like I am simultaneously accomplishing important things and having fun, I’m shocked I have time to eat let alone plan a weekly Paleo menu!

Amen, sister.

Amen, sister.


Magic = Life

I believe in magic. There I said it. I believe in magic. I wish I could burst into a choreographed flash mob of Disney-proportion because the sun is shining and the birds are singing.


Supplementing my Hawaii Addiction

The sun is shining, the wind is warm, and the salty air of the beach beckons daily. Summertime has officially graced the Jersey Shore and rejuvenated my mental Hawaiian-ness. This warm weather makes my body yearn to be on those islands that I love: to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, to see the beautiful ‘aina, to smell the intoxicating plumeria leis, to taste the salty brine of the ocean on my lips, and hear the velvety strums of a ukulele. Ah, Hawaii you have my heart.


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Carne Asada

¡Buenos Días! I went to my local farmer’s market last night to pick up a few things and was quite ashamed that I didn’t immediately respond to the cashier in Spanish as she commented on the large size of the apples I was purchasing. I used to be able to think, write, and speak Spanish without a moment’s notice. Now, I’m lucky if I can mutter more than a phrase about how I am out of practice because I have no one to speak it to at home. Quite a crime, actually. In any case, I proceeded to listen to the Spanish station on my way home in the car to make up for my lack of practice. I struggled through the commercials and eventually gave up on my mental translation to call my boyfriend. Ah, such is life I suppose. So in honor of my severely lacking Spanish skills, I give you CARNE ASADA!


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Beef Bulgogi

Here we are, another weekend gone and another week begins! Here’s a quick and easy recipe with great Asian flavor!
