Dear Pasta,
Why are you so delicious? There’s something so lovely about a giant bowl of spaghetti and meatballs that melts my heart in a special cheesy melty way. Despite your deliciousness, I know that you make me fat and lethargic – not to mention a stomach ache. You’re one of the first things I missed when I went Paleo. But I must admit, pasta m’dear, that I’ve found someone new. It’ll never be as delicious as you, but I know in the long run we’ll be much better together. It’s name? Oh, let’s not let this get ugly. [Spaghetti: TELL ME IT’S NAME!!] OKAY! It’s spaghetti squash. I’ve left you for spaghetti squash.
Alright, my first date with spaghetti squash wasn’t everything I hoped and dreamed it would be but I’ve come to love and accept it just like real spaghetti. It’s surprisingly cheap and easy to make and goes AMAZINGLY with meatballs 🙂
First, preheat your oven to 350F. Place the squash onto a baking sheet.
You can either pierce the squash with a knife and bake it or slice it in half. If you squash is still really hard and you can’t cut it in half, just give it a few good stabs so there are nice little vents when it cooks.
After slicing my squash, I drizzled it with some olive oil and salt. Bake for 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the squash.
Remove from the oven and let cool.
Scoop out the seeds from both sides. I’m sure you could save and toast them, but I haven’t tried that yet.
Using a fork, scrape the inside of each half. It should shred very easily, and if it doesn’t – throw it back in the oven for about 10 minutes more.
And there you have it – faux pasta. True, it doesn’t taste like pasta, but the flavor is light enough that it is masked by whatever sauce you eat with it. When serving, I like to heat up the squash in a frying pan with some olive oil and salt. It adds a nice crunch.
Go forth and cook! Aloha!
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