Supplementing my Hawaii Addiction

The sun is shining, the wind is warm, and the salty air of the beach beckons daily. Summertime has officially graced the Jersey Shore and rejuvenated my mental Hawaiian-ness. This warm weather makes my body yearn to be on those islands that I love: to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, to see the beautiful ‘aina, to smell the intoxicating plumeria leis, to taste the salty brine of the ocean on my lips, and hear the velvety strums of a ukulele. Ah, Hawaii you have my heart.


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Carne Asada

¡Buenos Días! I went to my local farmer’s market last night to pick up a few things and was quite ashamed that I didn’t immediately respond to the cashier in Spanish as she commented on the large size of the apples I was purchasing. I used to be able to think, write, and speak Spanish without a moment’s notice. Now, I’m lucky if I can mutter more than a phrase about how I am out of practice because I have no one to speak it to at home. Quite a crime, actually. In any case, I proceeded to listen to the Spanish station on my way home in the car to make up for my lack of practice. I struggled through the commercials and eventually gave up on my mental translation to call my boyfriend. Ah, such is life I suppose. So in honor of my severely lacking Spanish skills, I give you CARNE ASADA!


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Beef Bulgogi

Here we are, another weekend gone and another week begins! Here’s a quick and easy recipe with great Asian flavor!


Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day! What a wonderful day to honor the men in your life that helped to raise you and shape who you are, for better or worse.

That's a good looking father-daughter duo! :)

That’s a good-looking father-daughter duo! 🙂


The 27th Annual Belmar Seafood Festival! [Updated]

I just arrived home from and amazing vacation in Turks and Caicos and the first thing I want to do is go to the beach! Even though it has been rainy for the past few days, today is a fantastic day to take a trip over to Belmar Beach and eat some stunning seafood! The information is below:


See you there! Aloha!


Paleo-Friendly Meals: Chinese Steamed Fish

I’m not going to lie, I’m on vacation this week and didn’t want to leave you hanging. So here is a quick and easy Paleo dinner that is both simple and delicious. So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Chinese Steamed Tilapia with Asparagus



Paleo Friendly Meals: Salmon Cakes with Ginger Mayo Sauce

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get tired of burgers. Turkey burgers, beef burgers, pork burger… Sick of them. So I decided to live on the wild side and try something new: Salmon cakes! Not quite burgers, but they definitely fit the bill for a nice portable lunch! Another plus is that they didn’t stink up the lunch room when I warmed them up. Thank goodness! I would hate to be that person, because that person sucks.

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